canterburymainpicHodie (This Day) is a cantata British composer by Ralph Vaughan Williams. Composed between 1953 and 1954, it is the composer’s last major choral-orchestral composition, and was premiered under his baton at Worcester Cathedral, as part of the Three Choirs Festival, on 8 September 1954. The piece is scored for chorusboys’ choirorgan and orchestra, and features tenorbaritone, and soprano soloists. 

In 1965, the “soprano” solos in Hodie were recorded by Dame Janet Baker, one of the greatest mezzo-sopranos of all time. In this tradition, I’m honored that Maestro Charles Dodsley Walker has asked me to sing the solos for this concert

Featuring Cherry Duke, Mezzo-soprano;  Matthew Curran, bass;  Philip Anderson, Tenor; and the Youth Choirs of St. Michael’s Church and of St. Hilda’s & St. Hugh’s School.